Pokemon Sun & Moon file size
Posted on October 6, 2016 by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS eShop, News
X/Y Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Sun/Moon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Because 3DS game randomization is a little more complicated than the earlier consoles, there is a Wiki page with some helpful information about 3DS games. It really depends on your internet speed. If you have good speeds, it could take about 5- 10 min, and if you have terrible speeds, maybe an hour. Here, let me link you to a downloading calculator.
Two days ago, we reported on the file size of the upcoming Pokemon Sun & Moon demo, which is about 400 MB or 3100 blocks. However, the official Japanese website for Sun & Moon, which is where that info came from, also revealed the file size for the full game via a warning that having both the demo and the full game downloaded would exceed the capacity of the standard-issue 4 GB SD card. The full game will take up 3.2 GB or about 26,200 blocks on your 3DS’ SD card. For comparison, Pokemon X & Y take up 1.7 GB and Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire take up 1.8 GB. Quite the jump up – the increased graphical detail in the overworld likely contributed a lot to that.

To randomize generations 1-5 of your Pokemon game, start by making sure that you have a Pokemon ROM and emulator installed. If you don't, you can download them from the LoveROMS website. Then, install the Universal Randomizer application and follow the instructions for downloading. How to download and play Pokemon Sun and Moon on PC with CitraWhat do you need?An operating system 64 BITSOpenGL 3.3, DirectX supports (Laptops and PCs wid. For Pokemon Sun on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'How long do you think it'll take to download?'
Pokemon Sun Walkthrough

Overall, this makes Pokemon Sun & Moon the 4th largest game on the 3DS, behind Bravely Default, Bravely Second and Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.
Pokemon Sun Rom
More: block size, file size, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
How Long Does Pokemon Sun Take To Download Full

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