Logic Pro X Shortcuts Pdf

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This is my complete list of all my favorite Logic Pro X Key Commands.

My name is Mike, I am a composer and Logic Pro X user. Just. Like. You! =)

  1. Logic Pro X Keyboard Shortcuts PDF. As many of you Logic Pro X users, you always look for ways to improve your work flow, and sometimes is easy to get used to work in a certain way, that really probably is not the best, or is not agile.
  2. Logic Pro X is software for music producers who compose, record, arrange, edit, and mix music. Logic Pro X is fun and easy to use, and it gives you a powerful set of tools to edit and polish your music to near perfection. To efficiently capture and hone your ideas, here are some quick and.

The reason I made this list of key commands was simply because I personally was frustrated with trying to remember them all.

LOGIC PRO X SHORTCUTS GUIDE. Click below for a high quality PDF Download and use as you need! Free guide to shortcuts in Logic Pro X.

All Key Commands marked in bold are my own custom key commands.

PS. Make sure you bookmark this page, you are going to go back to it a lot! =)

  • Library (Y)

  • Inspector (I)

  • Toolbar (Ctrl + Option + CMD + T)

  • Smart Controls (B)

  • Mixer (X)

  • Editors (E)

  • Piano Roll (P)

  • Score Editor (N)

  • List Editors (D)

  • Note Pads (Option + CMD + P)

  • Apple Loops Browser (O)

  • Media Browser (F)

  • Colors (Option + C)

  • Key Command Window (Option + K)

  • Step Input Keyboard (Option + CMD + K)

  • Track Headers (Option + T)

  • Show/Hide all Plugin Windows (V)

  • Recall Screensets from 1 to 9 (1-9)

  • Project Settings (Option + P)

  • Open/Close Instrument in Selected Track (CMD + F1)

  • Open/Close 1st Insert FX on Selected Track (Option + CMD + F1)

  • Open/Close 2nd Insert FX on Selected Track (Option + CMD + F2)

  • Open/Close 3rd Insert FX on Selected Track (Option + CMD + F3)

  • Open/Close 1st MIDI FX on Selected Track (Ctrl + Option + CMD + F1)

  • Open/Close 2nd MIDI FX on Selected Track (Ctrl + Option + CMD + F2)

  • Open/Close 3rd MIDI FX on Selected Track (Ctrl + Option + CMD + F3)

  • Save (CMD + S)

  • Undo (CMD + Z)

  • Redo (Shift + CMD + Z)

  • Copy (CMD + C)

  • Paste (CMD + V)

  • Delete (Backspace)

  • Select All (CMD + A)

  • Show Tool Menu (T)

  • Automation (A)

  • Forward 1 Bar (.)

  • Rewind 1 Bar (,)

  • Forward 8 Bars (Shift + .)

  • Reverse 8 Bars (Shift + ,)

  • Go to Home (Numpad: 0)

  • Go to Previous Marker (Option + ,)

  • Go to Next Marker (Option + .)

  • Go to Marker Number X (Numpad: 1-9)

  • Go to Selection Start (Ctrl + Home)

  • Go to Selection End (Ctrl + End)

  • Zoom to Selection or All Content (Z)

  • Zoom Tool (Ctrl + Option)

  • Zoom Focused Track (Ctrl + Z)

  • Zoom Height (CMD + Arrow Up/Down)

  • Zoom Sequencer (CMD + Arrow Left/Right)

  • Zoom Height with Trackpad (Option + Swipe Up/Down)

  • Zoom Sequencer with Trackpad (Option + Swipe Left/Right)

  • Zoom to Fit Locators (Ctrl + Shift + Z)

  • Go back to Previous Zoom Setting (Ctrl + Option + Left-Click)

  • Play (Spacebar)

  • Play from Selection (Shift + Spacebar)

  • Record (R)

  • Record/Record Toggle (Numpad: *)

  • Record/Record Repeat (Shift + Numpad: *)

  • Capture Recording (Shift + R)

  • Discard Recording + Go to Previous Position (CMD + .)

  • Stop (Numpad: 0)

  • Pause (Numpad: ,)

  • Cycle Mode (C)

  • Set Cycle Area to Rounded Selection (U)

  • Set Cycle Area to Exact Selection (CMD + U)

  • Metronome (K)

  • Count-In (Shift + K)

  • Tuner (=)

  • Track Input Monitor Toggle (Ctrl + I)

  • Solo Selected Tracks (S)

  • Mute Selected Tracks (M)

  • Toggle Solo’ed Tracks (Ctrl + Shift + CMD + S)

  • Solo Selected Regions + shift to add (Ctrl + S)

  • Mute Selected Regions + shift to add (Ctrl + M)

  • Toggle Solo’ed Regions (Ctrl + S)

  • Varispeed (Ctrl + Option + CMD + V)

  • Low Latency Mode (Ctrl + Shift + CMD + L)

  • Show/Hide Global Tracks (G)

  • Global Tracks View Settings (Option + G)

  • Show Marker Track Only (‘)

  • Add New Marker (Option + ‘)

  • Rename Marker (Shift + ‘)

  • Delete Marker (Option + Backspace)

  • Repeat Part (CMD + R)

  • Repeat Section between Locators (Ctrl + CMD + R)

  • Quantize (Q)

  • Snap to Grid (CMD + G)

  • Bounce Regions in Place (Ctrl + B)

  • Time Stretch Part (Option + Drag Lower Part Corner)

  • Toggle Hide View (H)

  • Hide all Empty Tracks (Numpad: “clear”)

  • Unhide all Tracks (Shift + Numpad:”clear”)

  • Set Next Higher Division (Ctrl + Option + CMD + Home)

  • Set Next Lower Division (Ctrl + Option + CMD + End)

  • Set Quantize to Previous Value (Ctrl + Option + CMD + Page Up)

  • Set Quantize to Next Value (Ctrl + Option + CMD + Page Down)

  • New Track Window (Option + CMD + N)

  • New MIDI Track (Option + CMD + S)

  • New Audio Track (Option + CMD + A)

  • Rename Track (Shift + Enter)

  • Rename Region (Shift + N)

  • Name Regions by Track Name (Option + Shift + N)

  • Join Regions per Track (J)

  • Join Regions on separate Tracks (CMD + J)

  • Split Regions/Notes at Playhead (CMD + T)

  • Multi-Split Regions (Scissor + Option)

  • Solo Selected Tracks (S)

  • Mute Selected Tracks (M)

  • Solo Selected Regions (Ctrl + S)

  • Mute Selected Regions (Ctrl + M)

  • Toggle Solo’ed Regions (Ctrl + S)

  • Toggle Solo’ed Tracks (Ctrl + Shift + CMD + S)

  • Move Note Up +1/-1 (Option + Up/Down)

  • Move Note Up +12/-12 (Shift + Option + Up/Down)

  • Nudge Note Left/Right (Option + Left/Right)

  • Join Notes (CMD + J)

  • Multi-Split Notes (Scissor + Option)

  • Mute Selected Notes (Ctrl + M)

  • Select all Muted Notes (Shift + M)

  • Select Notes of same Sub Position (Shift + P)

  • Select Notes with Same Articulation (Shift + D)

  • Invert Selection (Shift + I)

  • Temporarily disable snapping (Click + Ctrl + Shift + Drag)

  • Remove Overlaps (F1)

  • Force Legato (F2)

  • MIDI In Toggle (F3)

  • Strip Silence (Ctrl + X)

  • Normalize Region Gain (Ctrl + Option + CMD + N)

  • Normalize Audio in Audio File Editor (Ctrl + N)

  • Reverse Audio in Audio File Editor (Ctrl + Shift + R)

  • Trim Audio in Audio File Editor (Ctrl + Shift + T)

  • Convert Region to Sampler Track (Ctrl + E)

  • Transient Editing Mode in Audio File Editor (Ctrl + T)

  • Convert Audio Regions to Independent Copies (Option + CMD + F)

  • Toggle Automation (A)

  • Autoflow Automation Lanes (CMD + Y)

  • Add Automation Points (Double-Click)

  • Delete Automation Points (Select + Backspace)

  • Select Automation Points (Option + Selection)

  • Move Single Automation Point (Click + Drag)

  • Move all Following Automation Points (Option-click Point + Drag)

  • Automation Curve (Ctrl + Shift + Drag)

  • Create Region Automation Points (Marquee + Click in Selection)

  • Lock X-Axis when Editing Point (Ctrl)

  • Delete Visible Automation on Selected Track (Ctrl + CMD + Backspace)

  • Delete ALL Automation on Selected Track (Ctrl + Shift + CMD + Backspace)

  • Toggle Read/Latch Automation (Ctrl + CMD + A)

  • Assign MIDI automation (Move parameter – CMD + L – Move Controller)

  • Snap Automation Points (Ctrl + Option + CMD + G)

Please note that key commands may differ depending on Logic Pro X version, your MAC keyboard version, your key command language preset etc.

For reference, this was my setup as of writing this list: Logic Pro X 10.4.2, US Key Command Preset, Full Sized MAC Keyboard with numpad (Swedish layout).

Watch all my Logic Pro X Tips & Tricks Videos here.

I wish you all the best in improving and mastering your workflow in Logic Pro X! =)

PS. Free Downloads for You

Global Commands

⇧R Record Toggle
⌘. Discard Recording and Return to Last Play Position
⇧↩ Play
, Rewind
⇧, Fast Rewind
⌃⇧↩ Play from Left Window Edge
/ Goto Position…
⇧= Set Rounded Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee
⇧⌘→ Move Locators Forward by Cycle Length
⌃⌥A Toggle Auto Set Locators
⌃↖ Go to Selection Start
⌃⌅ Go to Beginning
⌘' Create Marker Without Rounding
⌘↓ Delete Marker
⌥⌘↑ Set Locators by Marker and Enable Cycle
⌥⌘← Set Locators by Previous Marker and Enable Cycle
⌃⌘← Go to Previous Marker
⌃⌘/ Go to Marker Number…
C Cycle Mode
⌥S Set Solo Lock Mode
⌃⌥⌘S Solo off for all
Logic music software, free download windows
⇧T Tap Tempo

Logic Pro X Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf

⇧⌘L Lock/Unlock Current Screenset
2 Recall Screenset 2
4 Recall Screenset 4
6 Recall Screenset 6
8 Recall Screenset 8
⌃1 Recall Screenset 1x
⌃3 Recall Screenset 3x
⌃5 Recall Screenset 5x
⌃7 Recall Screenset 7x
⌃9 Recall Screenset 9x
⌥⌘I Import Project Settings…
⌥U Open Audio Project Settings…
⌘, Open Preferences…
⌘0 Open Event List…
⌘2 Open Mixer…
⌘4 Open Transform…

Logic Pro X Cheat Sheet

⌘6 Open Piano Roll…
⌘8 Open Environment…
⌥E Toggle Event Float
M Toggle Mixer
Y Toggle Hyper Editor
B Toggle Bin
⌥L Toggle Library
W Toggle Sample Editor
T Toggle Tempo List
U Toggle Signature List
⌥X Open System Performance…
⌥K Open Key Commands…
⌥⌘O Open Movie…
⌃⌘A Toggle Current Track Automation Latch/Read
⌃⇧⌘R Set All Tracks to Automation Read
⌃⇧⌘L Set All Tracks to Automation Latch
⌃⌥⌘A Toggle Automation Quick Access
⌥⌘G Open Group Settings…
⌘W Close Window
Select Previous Track
⌘N New…
⌥P Project Settings…
⌘S Save
⌘P Print
⌥⌘E Export Selection as MIDI File…
⇧⌘E Export All Tracks as Audio File…
⌘Q Quit
⇧⌘Z Redo
⌘X Cut
⌘V Paste
⌘M Minimize Window
⇧⌘I Import Audio File…
[ Previous Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument
⇧[ Previous Channel Strip Setting of selected Track
⌥⌘V Paste Channel Strip Setting
V Hide/Show All Plug-in Windows
⇧* Record Toggle
⌘. Discard Recording & Return to Last Play Position
0 Stop
, Rewind
⇧, Fast Rewind
⌃⌅ Play from Left Window Edge
⌃= Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee
J Swap Left and Right Locator
⇧⌘← Move Locators Backwards by Cycle Length
⇧⌅ Play From Selection
⌃↖ Go to Selection Start
⌃⌅ Go to Beginning
⌘' Create Marker Without Rounding
⌘↓ Delete Marker
⌥⌘↑ Set Locators by Marker and Enable Cycle
⌥⌘← Set Locators by Previous Marker and Enable Cycle
⌃⌘← Go to Previous Marker
⌃⌘/ Go to Marker Number…
/ Cycle Mode
⌥S Set Solo Lock Mode
⌃⌥⌘S Solo off for all
⇧T Tap Tempo
⇧⌘L Lock/Unlock Current Screenset
2 Recall Screenset 2
4 Recall Screenset 4
6 Recall Screenset 6
8 Recall Screenset 8
⌃1 Recall Screenset 1x
⌃3 Recall Screenset 3x
⌃5 Recall Screenset 5x
⌃7 Recall Screenset 7x
⌃9 Recall Screenset 9x
⌥⌘I Import Project Settings…
⌥* Open Recording Project Settings…
⌥V Open Video Project Settings…
⌥A Open Automation Preferences…
⌘1 Open Arrange Window…
⌘3 Open Score Editor…
⌘5 Open Hyper Editor…
Logic Pro X Shortcuts Pdf
⌘7 Open Transport…
⌘9 Open Bin…
E Toggle Event List
N Toggle Score Editor
P Toggle Piano Roll
O Toggle Loop Browser
F Toggle File Browser
⌥M Toggle Marker List
⌥⌘T Adjust Tempo using Beat Detection
⇧W Open in External Sample Editor
⌥⇧T Open Tempo Operations…
⌥C Open Color Palette…
⌃⌘O Toggle Current Track Automation Off/Read
⌃⇧⌘O Set All Tracks to Automation Off
⌃⇧⌘T Set All Tracks to Automation Touch
⌃⌘E Automation Event List…
⌘G Toggle Group Clutch
O Clear Overload Flag in Audio Channel Display
Select Previous Track
⌥P Project Settings…
⌘E Export Track as Audio File…
⌘B Bounce…
⌘Z Undo
⌥Z Undo History…
⌘C Copy
⌘A Select All
⇧⌘M Zoom Window
] Next Plug-in Setting or EXS Instrument
⇧] Next Channel Strip Setting of selected Track
⇧[ Previous Channel Strip Setting of selected Track
⌥⌘V Paste Channel Strip Setting
V Hide/Show All Plug-in Windows

Control Surfaces

⌘L Learn new Controller Assignment

Various Windows

⌥G Configure Global Tracks
⌃⌥→ Zoom Horizontal In
⌃⌥↓ Zoom Vertical In

Logic Pro X Shortcuts Pdf

I Hide/Show Inspector
⌃O MIDI Out Toggle
⇧⌘Y Hyper Draw: Disable
+ Increase Last Clicked Parameter by 1

Windows Showing Audio Files

⇧⌘R Show File(s) in Finder
Space Play/Stop Selection

Arrange & Various Editors

⇧I Invert Selection
⌥⇧F Select All Following of Same Track/Pitch
⇧O Deselect Outside Locators
⇧U Select Empty Regions
⇧H Select Equal Channels
⇧M Select Muted Regions/Events
L Loop Regions/Folders on/off
⌃⇧Q Undo Quantization
⇧- Note Force Legato (selected/any)
⇧↓ Select Lowest Notes
⇧⌘V Paste Replace
⌃= Merge Regions/Notes
Split Regions/Events by Locators or Marquee Selection
Split Regions/Events by Rounded Playhead Position
⌘[ Set Region/Event/Marquee Start to Playhead Position
⌘] Set Region/Event/Marquee End to Playhead Position
⌥→ Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Nudge Value
⌥← Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Nudge Value
⌥⇧→ Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Nudge Value
⌥⇧← Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Nudge Value
⌃⌥D Set Nudge Value to Division
⌃⌥M Set Nudge Value to Bar
⌃⌥H Set Nudge Value to 0.5 SMPTE Frame
⌃⌥1 Set Nudge Value to 1 ms
⌥↑ Event Transpose +1
⌥⇧↑ Event Transpose +12
⌃⌥R Event Position and Length in SMPTE Units
⌃⇧S Snap Mode: Smart
⌃⇧B Snap Mode: Beat
⌃⇧T Snap Mode: Ticks
⌃⇧W Snap Mode: Samples
⌃⇧V Snap to Absolute Value
⌃⇧N Drag Mode: No Overlap
⌃⇧L Drag Mode: Shuffle L

Arrange Window

Select Previous Region on Selected Track
⇧⌘F Pack Folder
⌃⌘⌫ Delete Visible Automation on Selected Track
⌃⌘↑ Move Visible Region Data to Track Automation
⌃⇧⌘↑ Move All Region Data to Track Automation
⌃⌘F Pack Take Folder
Keyboard shortcuts revit
⌃⇧⌘U Unpack Take Folder to New Tracks
⌥Q Toggle Take Folder Quick Swipe Comping Mode
⌥⌘X New Track with Next Channel Strip/Instrument
⌥⌘↩ New Track with Same Channel Strip/Instrument
⌃B Bounce Regions in Place
⌃D Drum Replacement/Doubling
⌃H Hide Current Track and Select Next Track
⌃M Toggle Track Mute
⌃S Toggle Track Solo
⌃⌥⌘↑ Individual Track Zoom Out
⌃Z Auto Track Zoom
⌃⌥⌫ Individual Track Zoom Reset For All Tracks
⌃⇧= Merge Regions per Tracks
⌃⌘Z Insert Silence Between Locators (Global)
⌃⌘V Splice: Insert Snipped Section at Playhead (Global)
⇧⌘T Move Selected Regions to Selected Track
⌥⇧⌘R Move Region to Original Record Position
⌥⌘F Convert Regions to New Audio Files
⌥⌘L Time Stretch Region Length to Locators
⌃X Strip Silence…
⌃Q Apply Quantization Destructively
⇧⌘B Set Optimal Region Sizes Rounded by Bar
⇧- Trim Region End to Next Region
⌥] Shuffle Regions Right within Selection
⌃C Crop Regions outside Locators or Marquee Selection
⌘F Hide/Show Flex View
⌥⇧N Name Regions by Tracks/Channel Strips
⌃⌥= Waveform Vertical Zoom In
⌥T Configure Track Header


⇧X Cycle Through Mixer Modes (Single, Arrange, All)
⇧C Select Equal Colored Channel Strips
Select Previous (Left) Channel Strip
⌥⌘N Create New Auxiliary Channel Strips
⌃T Create Arrange Tracks for Selected Channel Strips
⌃⌥⌘V Paste Audio Configuration
⌃C Hide/Show Cables
⇧I Invert Selection
⇧→ Select Cable Destination
⌃V Send Selected Fader Values

Score Window

⌃P Page View
⌃X Explode Polyphony
⌃R Hide/Show Page Rulers
⌥⇧⌘V Paste Multiple
Previous Event
Previous Staff
⌃⌥Y Defeat Syncopation
⌃⌥I Defeat Interpretation
⌃↓ Stems: down
⌃⇧↑ Ties: up
⌃B Beam Selected Notes
⌃C Assign Channels based on Score Split
⌃⌥⇧I Open Score Set Window
⌃⌥⇧N Settings: Numbers and Names
⌃⌥⇧C Settings: Clefs and Signatures
⌃⇧. Insert: Decrescendo

Event Window

Select Next Event
⇧V Copy Value to All Following Events

Hyper Editor

⌃⌫ Delete Event Definition
⌃V Paste Event Definition
Select Next Hyper Definition

Audio Bin

Select Previous Audio File
⌃F Add Audio File…
⌃⌫ Delete File(s)
⌃B Backup File(s)
⌃M Move File(s)
⌥↓ Show All Regions
⌃X Strip Silence…
⌃E Export Region Information

Sample Edit Window

⌃⌥⌘˽ Play/Stop All
⌃⇧˽ Play/Stop Region to Anchor
⌃B Create Backup
⌥⌘S Save Selection As…
⌃⇧→ Go to Selection End
⌃→ Go to Region End
⌘← Go to Previous Transient
⇧← Set Selection Start To Previous Transient
Set Selection End To Previous Transient
⇧⌘← Selection Start and End to Previous Transient
⌥⌘← Selection Start and End to Previous Transient and Play
⌥⌘→ Selection Start and End to Next Transient and Play
⌘= Increase Number of Transients
⌃⌥⇧← Select All Previous
⌃R Create New Region
⌃G Change Gain…
⌃O Fade Out
⌃⇧I Invert
⌃T Trim
⌃P Time and Pitch Machine…
⇧P Search Peak
⌃A Lock Arrange Position when moving Anchor

EXS24 Instrument Editor

⌃F Load Audio Sample…
⌃G New Group
⌥← Shift selected Zone(s)/Group(s) Left
⌥⇧← Shift selected Zone(s)/Group(s) Left (Zones incl. Root Key)
⌥⇧→ Shift selected Zone(s)/Group(s) Right (Zones incl. Root Key)
⌃O Load Multiple Samples…

Unassigned but Way Cool

Logic Pro X Key Commands

⌥⇧D Set Next Higher Division
⌃⌥⌘1 Save As Zoom 1
⌥⌘Z Zoom To Fit Locators
⌃⌥⌘← Navigation Back
⌃⇧P Scroll In Play

Computer Shortcut Keys List Pdf

⌃- Select Overlapped RegionsEvents

Logic Pro X Shortcuts Pdf Free Download

⇧4 Create Two Nodes At Region Borders

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⇧⌘D Delay In Ms

Coments are closed