- Norton Anthology Western Literature Ebook
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- Norton Recorded Anthology Of Western Music Free Download Free
- The Norton Anthology Western Literature
The score anthology has internal track numbers (also given on the discs' containers), for purposes of analysis. Performers listed on each disc's container. Included Work History of Western music. Norton anthology of Western music. ISBN 587 Publisher Number A12 26638 (A 26645-A 26650) W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
- Format
- Audio
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- Multiple languages
- Published/Created
- New York : Sony Music Special Products : W.W. Norton, p2001.
- Description
- 12 sound discs : digital, stereo. ; 4 3/4 in.
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- Book norton anthology of western music volume 2 readily available for free PDF download. Free Shipping on orders over $25. The Ninth Edition of A History of Western Music is the text that. And the Norton Anthology of Western Music has been expanded.
- The definitive history of Western Music, A History of Western Music, J. Peter Burkholder, Donald Jay Grout, Claude V Palisca, 179.
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- Sony Music Special Products: A6 51490, A6 51500.
- 'For use with Palisca (ed.), Norton Anthology of Western Music, 4th edition and Grout/Palisca, A History of Western Music, 6th edition'--Container.
- Compact discs.
Norton Anthology Western Literature Ebook
- v. 1. Ancient to Baroque.
- v. 1. Disc 1. Epitaph of Seikilos -- Orestes / Euripides -- Mass for Christmas day -- Office of Second Vespers, Nativity of Our Lord -- Sequence for the solemn mass of Easter day / Gregorian chant -- Victimae paschali laudes -- Ordo virtutum: in principio omnes / Hildegard of Bingen -- Quem quaeritis in praesepe / Gregorian Chant -- Jeu de robin et de marion: rondeau: robins m'aime / Adam de la Halle -- Can vei la lauzeta mover / Bernart de Ventadorn -- Canso: a chantar / Beatriz de Dia -- Nachdem David war redlich und aufrichtig / Hans Sachs -- Istampita palamento -- Organum: Alleluia justus ut palma -- Aquitanian polyphony: Jubilemus, exultemus -- Alleluia Pascha nostrum / Léonin, etc. -- Organum quadruplum: Sederunt / Pérotin -- Ave virgo virginum -- Amours mi font/En mai/Flos filius eius -- I arboris/Tuba sacre fidei/Virgo sum / Philippe de Vitry --
- v. 1. Disc 2. Rose, liz, printemps, verdure ; Mass. Agnus Dei / Guillaume de Machaut -- Fenice fú / Jacopo da Bologna -- Non avrá ma' pietá / Francesco Landini -- Belle, bonne, sage / Baude Cordier -- Quam pulchra es / John Dunstable -- Salve, sancta parens -- Resvellies vous et faites chiere lye / Guillaume Dufay -- Conditor alme siderum / Guillaume Dufay -- Se la face ay pale ; Missa Se la face ay pale: Gloria / Guillaume Dufay -- De plus en plus / Gilles Binchois -- Missa de plus en plus. Kyrie and Agnus Dei / Johannes Ockeghem -- Missa pange lingua. Kyrie ; Credo. Et incarnatus est / Josquin des Prez -- De profundis clamavi ad te / Josquin des Prez -- Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen / Heinrich Isaac -- Io non compro piú speranza / Marco Cara -- Il bianco e dolce cigno / Jacob Arcadelt -- Aspro core e selvaggio / Adrian Willaert -- De le belle contrade d'oriente / Cipriano de Rore --
- v. 1. Disc 3. Solo e pensoso / Luca Marenzio -- Io parto e non più dissi / Carlo Gesualdo -- Tant que vivray / Claudin de Sermisy -- Revecy venir du printans / Claude Le Jeune -- O care, thou wilt despatch me / Thomas Weelkes -- Flow, my tears / Joyn Dowland -- Danseries a 4 parties: Basse danse and Branle gay / Pierre Attaingnant -- Pavana Lachrymae / William Byrd -- Pope Marcellus Mass: Credo and Agnus Dei / Giovanni da Palestrina -- O magnum mysterium and Mass: Missa O magnum mysterium: Kyrie / Tomás Luis de Victoria -- Tristis est anima mea / Orlando di Lasso -- Sing joyfully unto God / William Byrd -- Vedrò 'l mio sol / Giulio Caccini -- Le musiche sopra l'Euridice: Prologue, Nel pur ardor, and Per quel vago boschetto / Jacopo Peri -- Cruda amarilli / Claudio Monteverdi --
- v. 1. Disc 4. L'Orfeo. Prologue. Dal mio permesso ; Act. 2. Vi ricorda ; In un fiorito prato / Claudio Monteverdi -- L'Incoronazione di Poppea: Act I, Scene 3 / Claudio Monteverdi -- Orontea: Act II, Scene 17: Intorno all' idol mio / Marc' Antonio Cesti -- Ohimé dov'é il mio ben / Claudio Monteverdi -- Lagrime mie / Barbara Strozzi -- In ecclesiis / Giovanni Gabrieli -- O Domine, Jesu Christe / Lodovico Viadana -- O quam tu pulchra es / Allessandro Grandi -- Historia di Jephte: Plorate colles ; Plorate filii Israel / Giacomo Carissimi -- Saul, was verfolgst du mich / Heinrich Schütz -- La Poste / Ennemond Gaultier -- Lamentaion faite sur la mort trés douloureuse de Sa Majesté Impériale Ferdinand le troisiéme / Johann Jakob Froberger -- Toccata No. 3 / Girolamo Frescobaldi -- La Griselda: Act II, Scene 1: Mi rivedi / Alessandro Scarlatti -- Le bourgeois gentilhomme. Entrée and Chaconne / Jean-Baptiste Lully --
- v. 1. Disc 5. Armide. Ouverture ; Act 2, Scene 5. Enfin il est en ma puissance / Jean-Baptieste Lully -- Dido and Aeneas: Act III, Scene 2: Thy hand, Belinda / When I am laid in earth ; With drooping wings / Henry Purcell -- The fairy queen: Hark! the ech'ing air / Henry Purcell -- Praeludium in E major, BuxWV 181 / Dietrich Buxtehude -- Danket dem Herrn, BuxWV 181 / Dietrich Buxtehude -- Vingt-cinquiéme ordre / Francois Couperin -- La raspona / Giovanni Legrenzi -- Trio Sonata, Op. 3, No. 2 / Arcangelo Corelli -- Concerto Grosso in G minor, Op. 3, No. 2, RV 578: First and second movements / Antonio Vivaldi -- Concerto for violin, Op. 9, No. 2, RV 345: Second movement / Antonio Vivaldi -- Hippolyte et Aricie: Act IV, Scene 1: Ah! faut'il / Jean-Phillip Rameau -- Praeludium et fuga in A minor, BWV 543 / Johann Sebastian Bach -- Durch Adams Fall, BWV 637 / Johann Sebastian Bach --
- v. 2. Classic to modern --
- v. 2. Disc 6. Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140 / Johann Sevastian Bach -- Mass in B minor, BWV 232: Et in Spiritum sanctum ; Confiteor ; Et expecto / Johann Sebastian Bach -- Giulio Cesare: Act II, Scene 2: V'adora pupille / George Frideric Handel -- Saul: Act II, Scene 10: The time at length is come ; Where is the son of Jesse? ; O fatal consequence of rage / George Frideric Handel --
- v. 2. Disc 7. La serva padrona: Recitative and Aria: Ah quanto mi sta male/Son imbrogliato io / Giovanni Pergolesi -- Cleofide: Act II, Scene 9: Digli ch'o son fedele / Johann Adolf Hasse -- The beggar's opera: Scenes 11 to 13 / John Gay -- Orfeo ed Euridice: Act II, Scene 1 (excerpt) / Christopher Willibald Gluck -- Sonata in D major, K. 119 / Domenico Scarlatti -- Symphony in F major, No. 32: First movement / Giovanni Battista Sammartini -- Sonata in A major, Wq. 55/4: Second movement / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach -- Sinfonia a 8 in E-flat Major (La Melodia Germanica) No. 3: First movement / Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz -- Concerto for harpsichord or piano and strings in E-flat major, Op. 7, No. 5: First movement / Johann Christian Bach -- Symphony No. 56 in C major: First movement / Franz Joseph Haydn -- Symphony No. 92: Second movement / Franz Joseph Haydn -- Symphony No. 104: Fourth movement / Franz Joseph Haydn --
- v. 2. Disc 8. String quartet, op. 64, no. 5. Finale / Franz Joseph Haydn -- String quartet, op. 76, no. 3. Second movement / Franz Joseph Haydn -- Piano concerto in A major, K. 488. First movement / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- Don Giovanni. Act 1, scene 5. Ah, chi mi dice mai ; Madamina! Il catalogo è questo / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- Piano sonato, op. 13. Third movement / Ludwig van Bethoven -- Sonata in G minor, op. 34, no. 2. First movement / Muzio Clementi -- Symphony no. 3 in E-flat major. First movement ; String quartet in C-sharp minor, op. 131. First and second movements / Ludwig van Beethoven --
- v. 2. Disc 9. Symphonie fantastique: Fourth movement / Hector Berlioz -- Lieder ohne Worte, op. 85, no. 4 in D major; op. 67, no. 4 in C major / Felix Mendelssohn -- Phantasiestücke: Grillen and in der Nacht / Robert Schumann -- Nocturne in A major, no. 8 / John Field -- Nocturne in E-flat major, op. 9, no. 2 / Frédéric Chopin -- Trois études de concert. No. 3: Un sospiro / Franz Liszt -- Lied. Gretchen am Spinnrade ; Winterreise: Der Lindenbaum / Franz Schubert -- Dichterliebe: Im wunderschönen Monat Mai and ich grolle nicht / Robert Schumann -- Geheimes Flüstern hier und dort / Clara Wieck Schumann -- Virga Jesse / Anton Bruckner -- Ein deutsches Requiem, op. 45. Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen / Johannes Brahms -- ll Barbiere di Siviglia: Act II, Scene 5: Una voce poco fa / Gioachino Rossini --
- v. 2. Disc 10. Norma: Act I, Scene 4: Casta diva / Vincenzo Bellini -- La Traviata: Act 3, Scena and duet / Giuseppe Verdi -- Der Freischütz: Act II, finale: Wolf's glen scene / Carl Maria von Weber -- Tristan und Isolde: Act I, Scene 5 (excerpt) / Richard Wagner -- Kennst du das Land / Hugo Wolf -- Kindertotenlieder: No. 1: Nun will die Sonn' so hell aufgehen / Gustav Mahler -- Don Quixote: Themes and variations 1 and 2 / Richard Strauss --
- v. 2. Disc 11. Bez solnsta: Okonchen prazdnyi / Modest Musorgsky -- Vers la flamme, póeme pour piano / Alexander Skryabin -- La bonne chanson: No. 6: Avant que tu ne t'en ailles / Gabriel Fauré -- Trois nocturnes: Nuages / Claude Debussy -- Le tombeau de Couperin: Menuet / Maurice Ravel -- Music for strings, percussion, and celesta: Third movement / Bela Bartók --Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district: Act IV (Excerpt) / Dmitri Shostakovich -- Rejoice! Sonata for violin and cello: Fifth movement / Sofia Gubaidulina -- Peter Grimes. Act 3: To hell with all your mercy! / Benjamin Britten -- Le sacre du printemps: Danse des adolescentes / Igor Stravinsky -- Pierrot lunaire, op. 21: No. 8: Nacht and No. 13 Enthauptung ; Variationen für orchester, op. 31: Theme and variation 6 / Arnonld Schoenberg -- Wozzeck: Act III, Scene 3 / Alban Berg -- Symphonie, op. 21. First movement / Anton Webern --
- v. 2. Disc 12. Meditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité / Olivier Messiaen -- Piano quintet in F-sharp, op. 67. Third movement / Amy Cheney Beach -- They are there! / Charles Ives -- Violin sonata: Second movement / Ruth Crawford Seeger -- Appalachian spring: excerpt including Variations on 'Tis the gift to be simple' / Aaron Copland -- Afro-American symphony: Third movement / William Grant Still -- String quartet no. 2: Introduction and allegro fantastico / Elliott Carter -- Black angels, thirteen images from the dark land, for electric string quartet: Images 4 to 9 / George Crumb -- Philomel: Section I / Milton Babbitt -- Seven studies on themes of Paul Klee: No. 3: Kleiner blau Teufel ; No. 5: Arabische Stadt / Gunther Schuller -- Phrygian gates / John Adams -- Concerto grosso 1985. Fourth and fifth movements / Ellen Taaffe Zwilich.
- A6 51490
- A6 51500
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- Volume 1. Ancient to Baroque. Epitaph of Seikilos
- Euripides: Orestes, Stasimon chorus
- Mass for Christmas Day
- Chants from Vespers for Christmas Day. First Antiphon : Tecum principium and psalm: Dixit Dominus ; Hymn: Christe Redemptor omnium
- Ascribed to Wipo of Burgundy: Victimae paschali laudes
- Tropes of Puer natus. Quem queritis in presepe and melisma
- Ordo virtutum: In principio omnes / Hildegard of Bingen
- Can vei la lauzeta mover / Bernart de Ventadorn
- A chantar / Comtessa de Dia
- Jeu de Robin et de Marion: Rondeau, Robins m'aime / Adam de la Halle
- Palästinalied (Nū alrēst lebe ich mir werde) / Walther von der Vogelweide
- Cantiga
- Non sofre Santa María, from Cantigas de Santa Maria
- La quarte estampie royal, from Le manuscript du roi
- Organa from Musica enchiriadis. Tu patris sempiternus es filius ; Sit gloria domini ; Rex caeli domine
- Alleluia Justus ut palma, from Ad organum faciendum
- Jubilemus, exultemus
- Viderunt omnes / Leoninus and colleagues
- Clausulae on Dominus, from Viderunt omnes. Dominus, clausula No. 26 ; Dominus, clausula No. 29
- Viderunt omnes / Perotinus
- Ave virgo virginum
- Motets on Tenor Dominus. Factum est salutare/Dominus ; Fole acostumance/Dominus ; Super te/Sed fulsit virginitas/Dominus
- De ma dame vient/Dieus, comment porroie/Omnes / Adam de la Halle
- Aucun ont trouvé/Lonc tans/Annuntiantes / Petrus de Cruce
- Sumer is icumen in
- Cum statua/Hugo, Hugo/Magister invidie / Philippe de Vitry
- La Messe de Nostre Dame Kyrie Gloria / Guillaume de Machaut
- Douce dame jolie / Guillaume de Machaut
- Rose, liz, printemps, verdure / Guillaume de Machaut
- En remirant vo douce pourtraiture / Philippus de Caserta
- Non al suo amante / Jacopo da Bologna
- Cosi pensoso / Francesco Landini
- Non avrà ma' pietà / Francesco Landini
- Alleluia: A newë work
- Quam pulchra es / John Dunstable
- De plus en plus / Binchois (Gilles de Bins)
- Resvellies vous / Guillaume du Fay
- Christe, redemptor omnium / Guillaume du Fay
- Se la face ay pale. Se la face ay pale ; Missa Se la face ay pale: Gloria / Guillaume du Fay
- Je ne puis vivre / Antoine Busnoys
- Missa prolationum: Kyrie / Jean de Ockeghem
- Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen / Henricus Isaac
- Faulte d'argent / Josquin des Prez
- Mille regretz / Josquin des Prez
- Ave Maria . . . virgo serena / Josquin des Prez
- Missa Pange lingua. Kyrie ; Credo, excerpt: Et incarnates est and Crucifixus / Josquin des Prez
- Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland and Ein feste Burg. Attributed to St. Ambrose: Veni redemptor gentium ; Martin Luther: Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland ; Martin Luther: Ein feste Burg ; Johann Walter: Ein feste Burg / Martin Luther
- Psalm 134 : Or sus, serviteurs du Seigneur. Psalm 134, Or sus, serviteurs du Seigneur ; William Kethe: Psalm 100, All people that on earth do dwell / Loys Bourgeois
- If ye love me / Thomas Tallis
- Sing joyfully unto God / William Byrd
- Ave regina caelorum / Nicolas Gombert
- Pope Marcellus Mass. Credo ; Agnus Dei I / Palestrina
- O magnum mysterium. O magnum mysterium ; Missa O magnum mysterium: Kyrie / Tomás Luis de Victoria
- Cum essem parvulus / Orlande de Lassus
- Oy comamos y bebamos / Juan del Encina
- Mal un muta per effecto / Marchetto Cara
- Il bianco e dolce cigno / Jacques Arcadelt
- Da le belle contrade d'oriente / Cipriano de Rore
- Solo e pensoso / Luca Marenzio
- 'Io parto' e non più dissi / Carlo Gesualdo
- Tant que vivray / Claudin de Sermisy
- La nuict froide et sombre / Orlande de Lassus
- Revecy venire du printans / Claude Le Jeune
- My bonny lass she smileth / Thomas Morley
- As Vesta was / Thomas Weelkes
- Flow, my tears / John Dowland
- Dances from Danserye. Basse danse, La morisque ; Pavane, La dona ; Galliard, La dona / Tielman Susato
- Dances. The Night Watch, almaine ; The Faerie-round, galliard / Anthony Holbourne
- From Los seys libros del Delphín, intabulation and variations for vihuela. Cancer
- Mille regres ; Cuatro diferencias sobre 'Guárdame las vacas' / Luis de Narváez
- John come kiss me now / William Byrd
- Canzon septimi toni a 8, from Sacrae symphoniae / Giovanni Gabrieli
- Cruda Amarilli / Claudio Monteverdi
- Vedrò 'l mio sol / Giulio Caccini
- Le musiche sopra l'Euridice, opera. Nel pur ardor ; Dialogue in recitative: Per quel vago boschetto / Jacopo Peri
- L'Orfeo: Excerpt from Act II. Vi ricorda o boschi ombrosi ; Mira, deh mira Orfeo ; Ahi, caso acerbo ; Tu se' morta ; Ahi, caso acerbo / Claudio Monterverdi
- L'incoronazione di Poppea: Act I, Scene 3. Signor, deh non partire ; In un sospir ; Signor, sempre mi vedi ; Adorati miei rai / Monteverdi
- Orontea: Excerpts from Act II. E che si fa? ; Intorno all' idol mio / Antonio Cesti
- Lagrime mie / Barbara Strozzi
- In ecclesiis / Giovanni Gabrielli
- O quam tu pulchra es / Alessandro Grandi
- Historia di Jephte. Plorate colles ; Plorate filii Israel / Giacomo Carissimi
- Saul, was verfolgst du mich, SWV 415, from Symphoniae sacrae III / Heinrich Schütz
- Toccata No. 3 / Girolamo Frescobaldi
- Ricercare after the Credo, from Mass for the Madonna, in Fiori musicali / Girolamo Frescobaldi
- Sonata IV per il violino per sonar con due corde / Biagio Marini
- Armide. Ouverture ; Laissons au tender amour ; Enfin il est en ma puissance / Jean-Baptiste Lully
- Te Deum: Conclusion / Jean-Baptiste Lully
- La Coquette virtuose / Denis Gaultier
- Suite in A Minor, from Pièces de clavecin / Elisabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre
- Dido and Aeneas: Conclusion. Thy hand, Belinda ; When I am laid in earth ; With drooping wings / Henry Purcell
- La púrpura de la rosa: Excerpts / Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco
- Los conflades de la estleya / Juan de Araujo
- Clori vezzosa, e bella, cantata: Conclusion. Vivo penando ; Sì, sì ben mio / Alessandro Scarlatti
- La Griselda, opera: Excerpt from Act I, Scene 2 / Alessandro Scarlatti
- Trio Sonata, Op. 3, No. 2 / Arcangelo Corelli
- Praeludium in E Major, BuxWV 141 / Dieterich Buxtehude
- Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in A Minor, Op. 3, No. 6, from L'estro armonico / Vivaldi
- Vingt-cinquième ordre: Excerpts. La visionaire ; La muse victorieuse ; Les ombres errantes / François Couperin
- Hippolyte et Aricie: Conclusion of Act IV / Jean-Philippe Rameau
- Concerto Primo, from Paris Quartet No. 1 in G major / Georg Philipp Telemann
- Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 543 /Johann Sebastian Bach
- Chorale prelude on Durch Adams Fall, BWV 637 / Johann Sebastian Bach
- The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book I. Prelude No. 8 in E-flat Minor ; Fugue No. 8 in D-sharp Minor / Johann Sebastian Bach
- Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62. Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland ; Bewundert, o Menschen ; So geht aus Gottes Herrlichkeit und Thron ; Streite, siege, starker Held! ; Wir ehren diese Herrlichkeit ; Lob sei Gott, dem Vater, ton / Johann Sebastian Bach
- St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244. Und der Hohepriester antwortete ; Wer hat dich so geschlagen ; Petrus aber sass draussen im Palast ; Erbarme dich ; Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen / Johann Sebastian Bach
- Giulio Cesare: Act II, Scenes 1-2. Eseguisti, oh Niren ; V'adoro, pupille / Handel
- Saul: Act II, Scene 10. The Time at length is come ; Where is the Son of Jesse? ; O fatal Consequence of Rage / Handel.
Norton Recorded Anthology Of Western Music Free Download Free
The Norton Anthology Western Literature
Music appreciation--Music collections.
Music--History and criticism.
Palisca, Claude V.
Grout, Donald Jay.

Norton anthology of Western music.
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